Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 3 and a new appointment

We have completed week three of four for the first heart worm shot.

I think there may be a countdown calendar for the next leg of the treatment. Thanks to good friends who have agreed to sit with him at various times, we have managed. And likely managed well. I think he's high maintenance but then again it's probably me instead.

Our evenings have consisted of sitting on the porch instead of walking. So my activity level has reached one step above sloth. He has turned the living room into Lewis dogcave.

Our next shot is July 30. I actually consulted Lyndsey for the date so I actually don't have that nervous breakdown I came close to the last time. Since I am going off meds, it's best for all of us.

We'll make it I believe.

He still won't mow the yard though I bet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little sloth time can be good for the soul....