Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I am sitting here awaiting Heidi’s arrival from Omaha (yes!) Nebraska. She is traveling quite a bit this week and next and I still don’t like it. I can’t do anything about it but I can at least state that much. Summitt is asleep in the chair beside me. I have had coffee and now couldn’t sleep anyway.

Fun fact of the day: nerves grow one inch a month. One never knows what you will hear in a hospital elevator. Who knew?! I had to laugh as the resident who was privy to this factoid as she looked at the neurosurgeon with this “oh yeah, I knew that” look. Knowing full well of course that she had NO clue of such things.

There are residents all over the hospital these days. Nurse residents, doctor residents, CPE residents (that is me!). All very wide eyed and trying to do the cool doc thing. Or whatever it is that they do. I forget sometimes that the docs are real people. To stand behind one in the lunch line or the conveyor belt hallway to Children’s is amusing to say the least. They have to pay bills, break up with boyfriends or girlfriends, fix their cars, or make plans to hang out after work. I forget that.

Maybe that is a good thing. I would want them to know nerves grew an inch a month.

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