Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super .......Cold

It is Super Tuesday. And want to know what happens to my Super delegates for John Edwards? Do they just go away? Or get fought over at the convention? I missed that part of civics, I think.

And I have a Super Cold. Those who know me know I have a super cold. I have complained, lamented, and generally whined about it since Sunday. I hate being congested. I must have a recessed memory of being smothered in the womb or something.

One of the top ten things I plan on asking the Creator when I get to the other side is, how is it that such a small orifice can wreak such havoc? I get rid of “stuff” only to have an oh so brief moment of air and boom….more “stuff”. I did manage to get to the health center today only to promise hell and half of Georgia to the Nurse Practioner if she would give me some decongestant that worked. So I have some big time breathing relief but a cough from the bad place. So I will go for some meds for that next…..

Another thing that a cold does is get me banished to what I am now calling “The Cave”. We have a guest room off of our room. It is an odd shaped room and dark as pitch. We have recently had ideas of making it a study, which serves it well. But in its darkness, it is now “The Cave”. Where I lay breathing. My smothered breath and tortured cough. The darkness surrounds me and closes in and I hear a voice in the distance. It’s Heidi…from outside The Cave.

“Can you take out the garbage before it storms?”

Well, ok.

1 comment:

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Can you come take out my garbage too?! Hope you guys are staying safe tonight and your cold goes away soon!