Roller Girls. Roller Derby.
I remember Roller Derby when I was a kid. It was on television and was on a wooden track and looked just really out dated. Besides that, everyone wore pink and I thought that was stupid. Just not a fan of pink.
Last year some friends kept after me to go see the Nashville Roller Girls. Yeah yeah yeah I said. It cannot be all that fun. Looks kinda redneck. Looks like I would have to crush a beer can on my forehead to fit in. Looks like a preppy little red head from Vanderbilt would never like it. Well think again. It took all of 10 minutes and the trash talk started. Mostly because it was an intra league match and I was cheering for the “wrong team. I cheered for the Green Team …the X Pistols. The other team had on well, pink.
Once around the track and there were some bumps along the way. Twice around the track and someone got pushed into the crowd and I was hooked.
Last night was the second match of the season. It was a sanctioned match too so it was a kinda big deal. The place was sold out. A friend of mine came with us. She is an Ethics professor here in town. Smart. Articulate. Funny. And new to the sport. Her comments?
“I do not have an epistemological framework for this”
What the hell does that mean?
I remember Roller Derby when I was a kid. It was on television and was on a wooden track and looked just really out dated. Besides that, everyone wore pink and I thought that was stupid. Just not a fan of pink.
Last year some friends kept after me to go see the Nashville Roller Girls. Yeah yeah yeah I said. It cannot be all that fun. Looks kinda redneck. Looks like I would have to crush a beer can on my forehead to fit in. Looks like a preppy little red head from Vanderbilt would never like it. Well think again. It took all of 10 minutes and the trash talk started. Mostly because it was an intra league match and I was cheering for the “wrong team. I cheered for the Green Team …the X Pistols. The other team had on well, pink.
Once around the track and there were some bumps along the way. Twice around the track and someone got pushed into the crowd and I was hooked.
Last night was the second match of the season. It was a sanctioned match too so it was a kinda big deal. The place was sold out. A friend of mine came with us. She is an Ethics professor here in town. Smart. Articulate. Funny. And new to the sport. Her comments?
“I do not have an epistemological framework for this”
What the hell does that mean?
According to the dictionary epistemological means : a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. So that all fits with her question and frankly her working out of life. In other words: I have no idea what this is!
She, by the way, is hooked too.
We looked at each other and wondered how in the world an ethics professor and a hospital chaplain were sitting at a Nashville Roller Girl Derby. Then we witnessed a halftime contest for Roller Girl names. The one that won? Mary Smash-delene. Uh huh. It did. The best part? It was a Div School grad who came up with it. So we watched as Lady Fury, Dr. Hildebeast, and Slammy Lou Harris skated their hearts out, flung their opponents to the ground, and won a hard fought match .
And then we went home and went to bed. All the better for the simplicity of it. No need for frameworks. No need for the usual trappings of sport. Just in your face names for in your face skaters who likely wait on us at area restaurants or bars. Who maybe have kids. Or who work next to us at the hospital.
Frameworks? Who needs ‘em!
And then we went home and went to bed. All the better for the simplicity of it. No need for frameworks. No need for the usual trappings of sport. Just in your face names for in your face skaters who likely wait on us at area restaurants or bars. Who maybe have kids. Or who work next to us at the hospital.
Frameworks? Who needs ‘em!
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