Two world wars spared this cathedral. I have no idea how as it was possible that the Germans used it as a landmark for their bombing runs over the city. The British army training grounds were not but 8 miles from there. Right next to Stonehenge. Again an incredible feat albeit a disappointing site. But how did the cathedral survive? How is it that in May of 2007 a forty year old woman from East Tennessee could awesomely worship every morning for 8 days in a 700 year old chapel? A blessing.
One of the more incredible stories (and there are many) of the Cathedral is the story of the stonemasons. They were asked to carve faces for one of the chapels. So, they looked around and saw each other! All along the walls of one of the chapels and throughout the Cathedral really, are little faces. 700 year old faces frozen in time. Jolly faces to be sure. Still there. Some with noses rubbed off. Most with curly curly hair. And they watch over us these many years later.
We build megachurches and churches in coffee houses. Built of steel and glass and concerns over the parlor seating. Yet these sites of stone are indeed built to the glory of God. I wonder what we are thinking when we hire architects and planners. Millions of dollars and fundraising efforts. And it is nothing compared.
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